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On my mind ATM....

Morning bloggers and ettes,

Im just sitting her dancing back and forth, and decided to let you all peer into what I am thinking at the  moment. I think everyone should vent, converse on what they they feel or what they are thinking, doing or seeing at the moment. It shows that we are human, and maybe we need to get away for a little bit dont you agree.....

Music swaying to: "Nights off" By Sirisumo its electronic. I seem to love this genre. I think it makes you just calm down, realize stuff, write stories, blogs, a memoir of your life and so on....But most of all it is dance-able, my kinda music.....

 Dislikes atm: cookies(though i always do), a messy room, being sick

I am missing.: You, my kitties, my friends, sushi, life in general.

Tired of: Arguing, Misunderstandings, friendship, the stock market.

Drinking: Dominican coffee. 

Thinking: How I should end this blog.


Anna Grostina said…
I love how you do like

Drinking: Cofee.

Thinking of: and so oon... :)

Intresting blog!

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