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Dreaming of Friday

Happy Friday!

So, whats on adgenda this weekend? I am planning some time for somethings.  Like new glasses and other things.Also coffee, coffee and more coffee.  I just got a wonderful email and I  want to use my cool credits from a cool company to book a stay somewhere at the last min! ( its the whole point of the app) I will be listening below for my list of great things I need and want to do for the upcoming weeks. Lets see what I have to share with you today...

I love , I can share all of my thoughts of life with others, by re pinning pictures of pictures that others have posted. I have posted my own.

Have a look at my first Pin

A great view of New York

This cute baby look like my babies, I wonder if they are related ?

I have a thing for not only New York but Tokyo

So now comes the part, some things ive found around the web they help me all the time and its cool when I see it in multiple blogs and such!!!! Here we go.

I have used this APP a few times when I didnt have a hotel atm. You can check in and book from 12pm to 2am, these places are so nice.. Im  planning a day to just book a hotel the last min. I am no procrastinator, but this makes you have it has a pt job.

I saw this on a blog yet again, and im happy to share it, I love Rain  and this is the perfect site , it helps me write oh and dream and sleep.

I love the cooking channel (not food network) and this looked so very good. I love Seafood.

I also love Gin and tonic. They say im old minded , I take that as a compliment. 

I would drink the above in this Dress

Happy weekending! 

Sleepy Ayb and Pookie


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