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Happy National Peanut Butter Day

Hey everyone!

So today is national peanut butter day and i thought that maybe since i like it ill make something out of it. I looked on cooking channel tv website and found the recipe. Lets just say we didnt have unsalted butter I used regular. Lol You can find the recipe for the Fudge, and it turned out great lol . I personally cant eat too much peanut butter it kills my stomach lol . Just thought I drop by to share this with you!!! lol even took a pic , thats what a blog is all about. Ill be off to NYC in a day so ill be doing my Dreaming of Friday from there , a sad day but we will make the best of it correct? Until then...sleep well , stay positive and smile.


erika sorocco said…
Peanut Butter is my obsession. Love it! :)

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