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Blogger Event: Bubbles & Bloggers X Tulips DC

So this past Thursday I had a great time at the Bubbles & Bloggers Event at Tulips DC
The event was "Woman Empowerment, hence why I am wearing red. I am a dork at heart,
so the only thing that was expensive was my skirt lol from MM.Lafleur
Which fit wonderfully in size 2. Now I have decided to get this item, just do
not know in what color! That's another blog for maybe next month. 

The cutest signage 

Bubbly Galore 
More red

I cant help it I love Frie.s
How about this vintage love

A card from one fantastic woman to another.

Eveyrone looked fab, we listened to great music, played a game with included a lovely gift card. If you know me, I just sat back and took in the atmosphere. I am the type that likes social events but im very interverted. I rather sit and take it in than be a part. In the end, we all wrote sayings and such on cards (above) and then was given each others. Not to mention im still eating all the candy I put in my bag lol . I wrote a lot on mine and its sloppy, so wheover have mine im, sorry lol 

I cant wait for the next event.( I think it's in the coming weeks)  It should be warm. I will be more inclined to dress up. 

Special thanks to Bubbles & Bloggers  and Tulips DC


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