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Moody Board


Hey all

I feel as if these days anxious feelings are just. Though I’m excited to be fully working from home, it’s a bigger issue when everyone is watching, sometimes you wonder if they think you aren’t capable. Though so much behind me and as much as I love and believe in myself, I still freeze at things that I need to do to grow. 

I held my breath and respond to emails saying “ okay I’m ready. I want to be a lecturer, I have to do this” I hate showing my face on zoom but I do like zoom , I hate people watching , but I want people to listen and learn. It’s conflicting, so I made a mood board, all pics I’ve taken over time. 


It’s going to be okay , it’s for me , for Tomo for inner me who is scared to take risk sometimes. So I’m taking my own advice that I tell people. Go for it. If you mess up don’t look as it as a failure, it’s learning and trying again is needed to get better to perfect the craft in your own light. Sometimes what you think you can’t do or messed up own is your biggest strength.

