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Meatless Day of the week recipe: Udon w/soy sauce eggs

Hey all

Since I haven't posted this in a while I am posting what I am eating now. If you are a friend and watches my instastory, then you would see step by step on how to make this. Its simple. Oh and filling. Now lets get to it.

Udon w/soy sauce eggs
yields: three servings 


  • soy sauce
  • eggs(organic I have an egg allergy)
  • udon( I used frozen ones via hmart.) two udon packs out the five frozen pack.
  • water
  • Korean or Japanese soup base
  1. In one pot have soup base and water boiling for the udon ( read directions for ratio)
  2. Boil eggs( it can be done before or during the udon making )
  3. In a pan on low add soy sauce( depends on how colored you want your eggs) and wait until its sticking slightly to the pan.
  4. Twirl around so that the eggs are covered, continue until fully covered then remove from heat.
  5.  When udon is cooked, add to bowl and add egg.
  6. Cut or leave whole.
  7. Enjoy!


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