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Random Chatting

Hey everyone. So whats up with everyone?

I am just all over the place, starting a new job and ready to move back home ( lol) but until then I will just hang in there. I am wearing bright lipstick to brighten up everything but ah its not working!! The weather here is funny. Its like 60 then 70 and then you get hot, cold and then OMG WHY DID I PUT ON THESE WOOL TIGHTS!!! So so hey I have some links I wanted to share because I couldnt wait to Friday,(or will not have time ) 

I cant get enough of Solange Wedding Photos. This is such an inspiration. It was a very hipster-ish wedding and I am all for it. Shes cool enough to let everyone wear white. Thats a modern wedding I would of love to be part of. 

Speaking of weddings, I just read an article  about the opposite of wearing all white. 

My little brat was entered into a Contest I will post the pic I entered below!!! I would love an all paid vaca with her 

Well until the weekend be easy and enjoy the weather and peppermint mochas' and stuff. 


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