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Happy 9th Blog-aversary

Hey, everyone!

It all started 9 years ago when I wanted an outlet to just life itself. I remember telling my late aunt that it's called "a blog and it's basically you writing about specific subjects and such" She laughed and loved how creative with words I had always been. She wanted me to continue to write and post pictures about my life. Did she know that it was online for all to see? Not completely, everyone's concept of the internet especially then was just getting used to the fact that you could send pictures automatically and just checking email was a some was still a feat.

I think looking back at this and my original purpose for having this, made me stop with all the elaborate ideas I had for this years post, and just saying thank you. Its funny because I could care less about being popular. I just wanted to give my creative writing side an outlet. I could not think of myself without my blog, without family and friends knowing and sharing with others.  I could not think about life without my other blog. I enjoy going to coffee houses, speaking to people and gathering information just to explain little things like conversations, lattes, and mindsets.  So here are nine random facts about me
( my other blog has more lol )

  • I am a small business owner
  • I have been driving since I was 15
  • I sing show tunes 
  • Blackberry fan for life!! 
  • My fav car brands are Tesla, Volkswagen, Honda, Scion and Subaru ( think Initial D) 
  • I have a minor in Journalism
  • I love pickled things 
  • I own multiple computers, phones, and tablets
  • I hate raisins 

So thank you, and here's to another year of weird food, thoughts and oh me being a year older too. I think it was just ironic that my blogs were started on my birthday.


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