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Announcing my Podcast!!!

Hey everyone

Podcast Image not colored in by IG: @ipokute

I have been thinking about telling you guys about this. What's funny is that I thought at first keeping my blog and Podcast separate, but then I'm like why! It makes no sense, they are one in the same, and I want my readers to know how I am and put a voice to the name.

I am not one who likes to be seen, so to say. I want to take pictures of myself and such, but I don't like to be the center of attention, I get bored, and I like to do my own thing. You may ask why I have these platforms, but it's simple as I put it almost 12 years ago, these are my thoughts out loud.

Simply put, I don't worry about everyone I do what I like, I go with my own flow. Which in any day and age, people don't like that until it becomes a trend. Anyway, here's what the podcast is about.

The Podcast is named: Too Full Of Culture.

You can find us on all Podcast distributers. ( i changed the back end, so it may take a few days, so use the link below. )

Subjects are about all things Anime, Video games, J & K pop and more.

Its my view of Asian culture as a Black American woman.

I do have a co-host. Which are related to me. I like to include them, and I also have a guest.

We are now on our second season, so yay!

One of my Co-Host made our Logo above. She's a digital artist that does commissions here's her site.

I hope you guys tune in here are the links below.


I can't wait to hear your thoughts.


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