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Foddie Finds: Convention, Cosplay and food @ The Unconventional Dinner

You know we are congoers. Anime Conventions are a pastime when I have time ( lol). Did I mention that they get more expensive by the year, but the quality isn't there. Anway along with a hotel, costume prep, and transportation costs, there's food. We went to a restaurant, The Unconventional Dinner, about two blocks from our location, and after an hour-plus wait, we got this. 

 Verdict, it was raining, I was wet, the drinks and food were okay. The prices were high. The food taste. Okay, Different, but definitely not somewhere I would take a group of people if the above is their taste. Their menu is small, but the wait was too much. At least they let us sit at the bar (9 of us). Plate prices range. I had the meatloaf pictured that was $27. 

The link here is to see the menu and how many items there were. lol. It was expensive, but we did have fun. That's what counts ?


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